April 21, 2023
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Greetings Green Lake neighbors! Welcome to this week's edition of our neighborhood newsletter. We're excited to bring you updates on the new apartment project close to being approved, the city council's decision to maintain our inclusion in District 6, and the warmest weather of the year expected in the Green Lake area. Plus, learn about preserving our urban forest and a recent arrest connected to attempted auto theft in the area. Enjoy!
☁️ Weather
Green Lake Area to Enjoy Warmest Weather of the Year as Seattle Experiences Mid-70s Temperatures
Seattle is expected to experience its warmest weather of the year next week, with temperatures possibly reaching the mid-70s. The rising temperatures will be a welcome change after one of the coldest Aprils on record, and areas around Green Lake also have a high chance of seeing temperatures above 70 degrees.
🏠 Real Estate
New Apartment Project Near Green Lake Poised for Approval
A new apartment project at 8300 Aurora Ave N, near Green Lake, has recently received a SEPA determination of non-significance and is close to obtaining a master use permit. The project will consist of 126 units but no start date has been announced yet.
🗳️ Politics
Green Lake Stays Put: City Council Approves Updated District Boundaries for Seattle, Including Greenlake in District 6
Seattle has updated the boundaries of its seven City Council Districts to balance representation in city government, meaning some residents will shift to a different district - including Green Lake, which remains in District 6. The changes will officially go into effect in January 2024.
🚔 Public Safety
Suspect in Attempted Auto Theft at Green Lake Arrested for Possession of Firearms and Drugs
Seattle police are asking for the public's help in identifying a suspect in an armed robbery in Mount Baker, where a customer was shot as the suspect fled the scene. Meanwhile, a 22-year-old man was arrested in Whittier Heights for unlawful possession of a firearm, possession of stolen property, and possession with intent to deliver drugs, after he was identified as the suspect in an attempted automobile theft in Green Lake.
🤔 Opinion
Preserving Green Lake's Urban Forest: Seattle's Tree Canopy in Decline
Seattle’s tree canopy is in decline, with South Seattle neighborhoods losing trees at a rate nearly double than those north of the Lake Washington Ship Canal, and the updated draft of Seattle's tree ordinance includes serious flaws that undermine its stated goals of protecting existing trees, such as not requiring or incentivizing developers to retain large trees on-site during development. Without changes to the ordinance to better preserve Seattle’s urban forest, residents may miss out on the health and ecosystem benefits of existing mature trees, and the middle housing bill (E2SHB 1110) passing through the state Legislature could exacerbate the problem city-wide, but simple measures like tree inventories and requiring projects to maximize retention of existing trees could help save trees and build homes at the same time, according to Lois Martin, an early childhood educator, and Sandy Shettler, on the steering committee of The Last 6000, a campaign to document and preserve Seattle’s majestic trees, in an opinion article for the South Seattle Emerald.
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Disclosure: This newsletter was curated and edited by a human. We leverage AI technologies to help us discover content and draft the newsletter.